Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring rollercoaster

Temps have been in the high 60's even lower 70's this week - fired up some emerging plant life in the forest. Work has begun in earnest on Toejammer with the trail taped and about 40% of the trail opened up. OH and they say it will snow up here Sunday!

The new MLC Mountain Biking Trail Maps are almost set to go out to the printer, we'll get them out to East Coasters and Tangent Outdoors to sell by the end of the month if everything goes as planned.

We are making more progress on the new disc golf course; a volunteer work day is scheduled for May 10th - if you like to play come on out and help us open up some new lanes. We are working on sponsorships for the baskets, more to come on that.

We installed our new parking fee post at the kiosk. Please leave $3 per car if you aren't purchasing a Trail Access pass for the year. The donation helps us afford to improve the trails, gravel the parking lot, buy chains for the chainsaw etc. We need new trail building tools too.

Gotta run!