Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stories, Songs and Walks Elderhostel

Last week we held our Stories, Songs and Walks Appalachian Elderhostel. We had a total of 23 participants and learned about Appalachian poetry, oral history, ballads, music and the flora and fauna of the Appalachian Mountains. One evening, we ventured out to Wind Rock to watch the sunset. Below are a few pictures from the program.

Hiking along Old Turnpike trail

Hazel Beeler describing the differences between rhododendron and mountain laurel

Rick Mullins viewing the sunset

Group shot at Wind Rock

Our next Elderhostel is 'Day Hikes Along the Appalachian Trail' on July 26-31. We are offering a shorter version of this same program on October 4-7 - visit Elderhostel.org
and type in program #16937.