Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hemlock and lake level UPdate - MTB Program news

Tom McAvoy of the Virginia Tech Etymology Lab came by today to let us know he has been treating a new outbreak of the Wooly Adelgid among our Hemlock population. Most of the trees are responding well to treatment. Also, he has checked our lake levels and in spite of the abundance of precipitation we've received since the middle of December, the level is unchanged.

We are excited to announce that East Coasters Bike Shop has donated a new Gary Fisher Super Caliber (full-suspension) to the Conservancy. We are also adding four other high-end models to our rental fleet as part of a new and upgraded mountain bike rental program.

If you would like to rent a mountain bike during our 'off-season' it is easy to do. Just email or call us during the week and we will be happy to arrange a time and date. Guided rides are also available.
